Is Poverty A Curse

I know there are many people who believe that Christians have to be poor, but that is due to the lack of understanding of the Scriptures. After one becomes born again, poverty is a completely unacceptable life. Many think that poverty is the lack of money but poverty in itself is not the absence of money, but is actually the disabling of a man’s mental prowess. This means that poverty has to do with one’s mindset and attitude. It is that state where a person’s mind shuts down and that person believes that he or she can’t do anything to change his state.

The Bible says that Jesus became poor so that through His poverty we might become rich (2 Corinthians 8:9). Not only did He take upon Himself the sins of the world but He also took upon Himself the effect of sins; of which one is poverty. This is the reason why every Christian must reject poverty.

The fact that you do not own a house or beautiful car in Sydney or different parts of the world does not mean you are poor. The Bible teaches us that man has dominion over everything on this earth including wealth. Once you accept this truth and allow it to dominate your thinking, your life will take on a new meaning. This is when you will realise that it is virtually impossible for you to lack any good thing in life. The Holy Spirit is a good teacher and will lead you into prosperity even if that is not your focus.

So is poverty a curse? To curse means to inflict evil or misery on someone. There are only two sides to a coin, same with this. It is either you want a blessing or a curse; no two ways about it. Does poverty inflict such a misery? I believe it does. People who are poor miss out on God’s best for their lives. Many who are poor think poverty and no matter how much money you will give them they will still be poor. It is therefore your duty to reject poverty in its entirety. The Bible says in 3 John 1:3 that it is God’s Will that you prosper and remain in health even as your soul prospers. You cannot help people out of poverty if you are poor yourself. You are the one to lift others out of poverty for God has made you prosperous.

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