Do Something
Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth (Ephesians 4:28).
As a child of God, the Bible says whatsoever you do shall prosper (Psalm 1:3). Never be idle. Refuse to be jobless. If you don’t have a job, make one. Find something you’re good at; something that’s good for God and good for people, and start doing it. Refuse to let your mind go to sleep. Don’t loaf about like a hobo. Look inwards for creative ideas.
Someone may say, “I’ve searched for jobs everywhere, for so many years but to no avail; I’m getting frustrated”. My question to you is “What can you do?” There must be something you’re good at, find it and do it. The first requirement for success is looking out for a human need and then reaching out to meet that need. So don’t wait until someone gives you a job, make one! Before long, if you’re diligent, what you started will grow and you’ll be employing others.
Stop waiting; do something. Take a step of faith. The Bible says when Jesus ministered to the sick; He always had them do something. He made them take a step of faith. To the fellow who was paralyzed and couldn’t walk He said “Get up, take your bed and go home” (Mark 2:11).
So you see that God requires an effort on your part; He needs a point of contact for your miracle. Once you put in an effort, especially into that which He has inspired you to do, His miracle-power comes upon your efforts and His glory is revealed in what you do. The effort you put in becomes strengthened by His mighty hand.
Wrap up
How did Joseph, a prisoner, end up as the Prime Minister of Egypt, next only to the Pharaoh? He did something. He used his gift to serve others and God promoted him and Joseph became the Prime Minister of Egypt. Search yourself; dig deep within you and discover the treasure and talents that you have. Put them to work, and the anointing of the Lord will cause them to produce and multiply.
If you want to give your life to God then click here and pray the prayer of salvation.
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