True Meaning of Holiness
Over and over again I’m asked this question “what is the difference between righteousness and holiness? This is an important question but is not explained appropriately as is many of the fundamental truths we have. Some describe holiness as being sanctified unto God as a result of separation from the world. That is true but there is much more to it. Some describe righteousness as being free from sin or being justified (in right standing with God – another way of putting it). All these are true but there is so much more. Today I will be concentrating on Holiness. The “true meaning of Holiness” is how I call it.
When Jesus was talking about prayer He started with what prayer was not (Matthew 6:5-10). Following His footsteps I also want to start from what Holiness is not. I have been in all kinds of seminars in my short life on earth and it is amazing how people still believe holiness is being obedient to the law which has already been abolished (Ephesians 2:14-16). Following some form of principle or moral conduct does not make you holy. In fact it makes you the same as other followers of other religions. It is like saying that you become a car for staying in a garage. This form of preaching that unless you follow certain rules you cannot be holy has made many believers ineffective, because they pat their back and say that they didn’t receive answers because they were not holy enough. There is nothing as crazy as an unbelieving believer.
I have to point out that holiness begins with you believing in the holiness of Christ. When you believe in His holiness, it is imputed to you as your holiness. So why don’t you feel anything? The Bible never said you have to feel something but said you have to believe. Many believers are trying hard and fighting to get to a place of holiness. No they will never get there! Why? Because they were born there. Your new birth catapulted you to that place of holiness. All your sins (past, present and future) will not be imputed to you. You are as pure as one who has never sinned. Then what causes you to do wrong? Your spirit was what was given the new nature and not your mind so now you have to renew your mind where most of your actions proceed.
Making this even simpler, Holiness is the habit of being of one mind with God, according as we find His mind described in the scriptures. It is the habit of agreeing in God’s judgement, which is hating what He hates, loving what He loves and measuring everything in this world by the standard of His Word. When you walk according to the Word, you won’t worry yourself about sin or trying to get some faith for a miracle, everything works together for your good. He who most entirely agrees with God, he is the most holy man. A holy person is a believer who is right at the centre of God’s will where miracle is a natural occurrence. The holy man gets surprised when he enters the fleshly realm because that is a strange place for him.
To be holy is to eschew carnality and to pick up your cross. It is the act of walking in the spirit. Now this is the true meaning of holiness. Your nature has been changed because you are born again and now holiness should not be a struggle but a day to day thing. If you are not born again don’t hesitate to click on the “prayer of salvation” above the page to enjoy this wonderful life of miracles.