Why Jesus Resurrected


The Word of God, the Bible, tells us that Christ was delivered up for our sins and raised from the dead for our justification. A lot have been said about why He came to die and you may already know why Jesus died for our sins, but do you know the significance of God raising Him from the dead? Do you know why Jesus resurrected?

I believe this illustration will help you understand the significance of Jesus’ resurrection better.

Assuming you are living in a foreign country. One day, you happen to break a major rule of the land because of ignorance. You appeal to the king for mercy and then he says, “A rule is a rule. I cannot bend the rule for you because it will affect my integrity as a leader. The best I can do for you is to bring a substitute that will take your punishment (which is to be in jail for six months)”.

Now it happens that by God’s grace, you find a willing substitute and he goes to jail for you for six months. Days, weeks and months pass by. The question is, how or when will you know that your crime has been fully paid for? It is when you see your substitute walking free again. As long as he is not free you assume he has not finished with the sentence. Once you see him, you know that the sentence has been fully served. You now walk with your chest out and with your head high because you know you cannot be charged for your old crime.

My beloved, Jesus, your substitute, paid the debt you could not pay in full. On the cross, He bore the sins of your entire life – past, present and future. Jesus took all your punishment and duly served for all your wrongs. As a matter of fact, it pleased the Father so much that He raised Him up from the dead.

Today, Jesus’ tomb remains empty. He is not there for He has risen! His resurrection and empty tomb will forever be our assurance that we have been fully justified. You no longer have to be afraid of God judging you for your sins. His justice is on your side today and forever more!

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