Does God Give Preferential Treatment


The Bible states that there is no partiality with God (Romans 2:11). That is true, but there is more to it. So does God give preferential treatment then? When it comes to the world and His children there is a difference. And the amounts of favour you enjoy as His Son or Daughter also depend on you.

When you fly first class in an airplane, the cabin crew gives you first-class treatment. They come every ones in a while and ask, “Is everything okay with you, sir?” They ask you what food you would want to eat (mostly the best kinds of food), drinks you would want to take and even magazines you want to read. They give you a blanket if you are cold. They give you preferential treatment compared to those travelling in economy class. Another thing I would like you to take note here is although these privileges may be available some refuse to enjoy them. They could go through the entire flight without taking even a cup of coffee.

The grace of God is defined as “undeserved, unearned and unmerited favour”. And another suitable definition for favour is “preferential treatment”! Today, God wants you to know that you have His favour on you. He wants you to know that He gives you preferential treatment which you do not deserve. And He wants you to depend on and take full advantage of it in your life. This explains why everything you touch bears fruit when you are walking in favour.

God also wants you to know that His favour, this preferential treatment in your life can be increased. You can experience more of His favour from day to day. How can one increase the favour of God upon his/her life? The Bible tells us in 2 Peter 1:2 that God’s grace (or favour) is multiplied to us “in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord”. The more you behold Jesus and His love for you, the more you believe and confess that God’s favour is on you, the more you will see His favour work for you. This explains why you can have two Christians but one is always blessed with whatever he touches and the other is wondering why all is going bad around him.

This favour is not because of your beauty or style of dressing or walking. It is not because you have been born into a good family with a silver spoon in your mouth. It is not because you have obeyed all the commandments in the Bible. The answer – God’s love has made all this possible. The more you know God and our Lord Jesus Christ, the more you continue to grow in this favour.

So now does God give preferential treatment? This is now a question for you to answer.

If you are not born again you cannot enjoy this wonderful privilege. To be enlisted in God’s favourite books, click on this link “Prayer of Salvation”.

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